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The Ox is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. When the nearest friend ahead of Ox faints, Ox will gain Melon Food perk and +1 attack. Leveling up Ox will increase the amount of times its ability can trigger per turn.


Ox is one of the earliest self-scaler in Turtle pack that's also accompanied by a formidable ability. Melon is extremely powerful in all stages of the game, but even more so during early turns since almost nothing can deal more than 20 damage, making Ox essentially invincible for one attack. It can also be thought of as having immunity against snipers breaking the Melon, since as long as it's not in front-most position, it will refresh its own Melon by the time it gets to attack.

Ox is a great target to focus stats on and the ability will remain useful until the end of the game. It synergies very well with all Faint pets such as Ant, Flamingo, Spider, and so on. Pilling any of these pets in front of Ox during shop phase will also give it permanent Melon and +1 attack. Pilling a Turtle in front of Ox while it already has Melon will still give +1 attack while passing a new Melon over to another friend behind. Pill synergies also make it an amazing teammate with Shark later on.

At the same tier, it has a good combo with a front Badger. When Badger faints, it will pop Ox's Melon, then Ox will immediately regain the Melon.

Game Sound



  • 0.31:
    • Changed the Ox's base stats from 2/4 to 1/3.
    • Changed the Ox's ability from "Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk. Works 1/2/3 times per turn." to "Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk and +1 attack. Works 1/2/3 times per turn."
  • 0.30:
    • Changed the Ox's base stats from 1/3 to 2/4.
    • Changed the Ox's ability from "Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk and +1/+2/+3 attack." to "Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk. Works 1/2/3 times per turn."
  • 0.22: Fixed Ox sometimes not triggering with spawning pets.
  • 0.18:
    • Changed the Ox's base stats from 1/4 to 1/3.
    • Changed the Ox's ability from "Friend Ahead Faint: Gain Melon and +2/+4/+6 attack." to: "Friend Ahead Faint: Gain Melon and +1/+2/+3 attack."
  • 0.12: Fixed Ox + Sheep bug.