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The Rooster is a Tier 5 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. When the Rooster faints, it summons a Chick with the same level as the Rooster, 1 health and half the attack that the Rooster had when it fainted. Levelling up the Rooster increases the amount of Chicks summoned.


The Roosters power comes from value that giving it attack will yield. Giving the Rooster any number of attack is 50% more effective even at level 1, increasing in 50% intervals as you level it up. This makes the Rooster an excellent candidate for scaling and a perfect duo with the Dodo.




  • 0.27:
    • Changed the Rooster's base stats from 5/3 to 6/4.
    • Changed the Rooster's tier from Tier 4 to Tier 5.
    • Removed from the Puppy Pack.