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The Monkey is a Tier 5 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. At the end of turn, the Monkey will provide a big stat buff to the front-most friendly pet. Leveling up the Monkey will increase the amount of stats it gives.


Monkey is an excellent targeted scaler, especially into late game. While it only targets the front-most pet, this is often where you would put your strongest pet, so Monkey can easily snowball an already big pet and turn it into a 50/50.

As strong as Monkey is, it's also very rigid. If you want a pet to be buffed by Monkey, that pet has to stay in front. This makes their positioning predictable and they will be vulnerable to common counters like Scorpion. It also limits your team's composition: running your own Scorpion with a Monkey on the team often means wasting the Monkey's buff, you can't use Monkey to buff a high level Rooster since it'd waste the Chicks, and so on. And if you're satisfied with a pet's stats and wanna buff another one, you'll have to push that big pet behind and weaken the team's structure.

Monkey is still overall a pet that you're always happy to see. But like most things in the game, you should not overvalue Monkey, and stay cautious of its downsides.




  • 0.30: Changed the wording of the Monkey's ability from "End turn: Give right-most friend +2/+3, +4/+6, +6/+9." to "End turn: Give front-most friend +2/+3, +4/+6, +6/+9."
  • 0.16: Changed the Monkey's ability from "End turn: Give right-most friend +3/+3, +6/+6, +9/+9." to: "End turn: Give right-most friend +2/+3, +4/+6, +6/+9."