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The Crow is a Tier 4 Pet, available in the Star Pack. When sold, the Crow will stock the food shop with one Chocolate. Keep in mind that unlike the Apple stocked by the Mouse, the stocked Chocolate is not free. Levelling up the Crow increases the amount of experience the stocked Chocolate gives.


The Crow is a somewhat polarizing pet, and its usefulness varies based largely on whether or not Chocolate is available in the pack. When Chocolate is not present, Crow is an incredibly useful pet. Experience is an incredibly powerful resource, and is often worth the 5-gold cost that Crow requires. Crow still has a niche when Chocolate is present as an earlier source of experience, potentially available on turn 5 through a level-up, but is largely overshadowed in a game's later turns.

Crow competes with the combo between Blobfish and Sleeping Pill as a reliable experience source as well, but both are on roughly equal footing. Pilling a Blobfish is 1 gold cheaper and available 2 turns earlier, but requires a player to successfully find both a pet and a food. In late game shops that are crowded with five or six tiers of pets and food, this can require a lot of rolling. Crow costs 1 additional gold, but only requires you to find the Crow itself.

Levelling up a Crow may seem unnecessary, but there are circumstances under which it is a powerful choice. Having a level 2 crow on your team as you reach the later turns allows you to sell it and instantly raise a newly-purchased pet to level 2. For powerful Tier 6 pets, like Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, and Tiger to name a few, gaining an instant level right out of the box can be a game changer. While this does mean one spot on your team will be dead weight for a few turns, a level 2 or 3 Crow is far from useless.

Version History

8th June 2023

  • Changed the Crow's ability to "Sell: Stock one Chocolate/Better Chocolate/Best Chocolate." from: "Sell: Replace Shop food with one chocolate that gives +1/+2/+3 Experience."

14th April 2022

22nd March 2022

  • Changed the Crow's ability to "Sell: Replace Shop food with one chocolate that gives +1/+2/+3 Experience." from: "Sell: Replace Shop food with 1/2/3 chocolates that give 1 Experience."

