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The Duckling is a Tier 1 Pet, available only in custom packs. When sold, it gives the left-most shop pet a buff to their health. Levelling up the Duckling will increase the amount of health it will give to the left-most shop pet upon being sold.

The Duckling can be considered a sidegrade to the Duck due to affecting fewer targets but giving a larger buff. It can situationally be more useful than the duck.


The Duckling is a relatively weak pet. Without the above average stats that the Duck possesses to make up for it's lackluster ability it provides little value. The best use case would be to level up into a pet like the Camel (or similar hurt pet) that can then be shifted to the left-most position of the shop by freezing and then rolling once. The Duckling can then be sold to provide a moderate health boost for that pet.

Game Sound


  • For the entire Beta, the Duckling was named Baby Duck.
  • Despite the in game mature Duck likely being of the Mallard variety, the Duckling most resembles a young White Pekin.



  • 0.34: Moved to customs only
  • 0.18: Introduced as part of the Star Pack.