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The Snail is a Tier 2 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. If the player lost the last battle, the Snail will give its friends some health at the end of turn. Leveling up the Snail increases the amount of health it gives.

Snail's ability will only trigger if the player lost the last battle, not if it was a draw. This is indicated by a sparkling effect on the Snail while it's in the shop.

If Snail is bought on turn 1, the "last battle" will be considered a draw.


Snail gives a rather sizable and consistent buff to the team for the tier it belongs to. If kept around, Snail can give its buffs for a maximum of 5 times as you progress through the game. If you lost on turn 2, due to the life regain on the next turn, Snail can trigger the buff for free.

Game Sound



  • 0.27:
    • Changed the Snail's ability from "Buy: If you lost last battle, give all friends +1/+1, +2/+2, +3/+3." to "End turn: If you lost last battle, give friends +1/+2/+3 health."
    • Changed tier from Tier 3 to Tier 2 .
    • Removed from the Puppy Pack.
  • 0.16:
    • Changed Snail ability from give friends +2/+1 to +1/+1.