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The Cockroach is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Star Pack. When it faints it summons an additional Cockroach and gives it Experience. Leveling up the Cockroach will increase the amount of experience it gives it's spawn.

Game Sound


The Cockroach was a removed Pet only known from the Super Auto Pets Trailer #1. It can also be seen as a silhouette on the main menu's background.

It appears to be an early version of Zombie Cricket as it was summoned by a Cricket on death.

It was later re-added in the Star Pack with a new ability.

When Star Pack was reworked it was given a more thematic ability. It resummons a version of itself with more experience which reflects the reputation of cockroaches as surviving or even thriving off cataclysmic events.



  • 0.34:
    • Changed the Cockroach's ability from "'Start of a turn: Set attack to current shop tier +1/+2/+3." to "Faint Summon one 1/1 Cockroach and give it +1/+2/+3 experience"
    • Gave Cockroach's old ability to Termite
  • 0.23: Changed the Cockroach's ability from "Start of a turn: Set attack to 1/2/3." to "Start of a turn: Set attack to current shop tier +1/+2/+3.".
  • 0.18: Introduced as part of the Star Pack.