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The Capybara is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Star pack. Whenever the shop is re-rolled, Capybara will give a stat buff to all unfrozen pets currently in the shop. Leveling up the Capybara increases how much the current shop pets will get buffed.


Capybara is a great pivot pet with similar usage to Turkey and Lobster from other packs. It's used to give newly bought pets a small amount of stats, giving you an easier time transitioning from low tier pets into higher tiers.

Its ability is slightly different than the above mentioned Turkey and Lobster, with its own strengths and weaknesses. Unlike Turkey/Lobster which require an empty space to buy new pets in, once a good pet is found through rolling, you can sell the Capybara and buy that pet into its vacancy. However, Capybara doesn't work for pets that show up immediately at the start of turn, or pets that are spawned through level ups.

Once the shop pets have received Capybara's buff, they can then be frozen to be bought later while still keeping the buff.

Game Sound


