Version 0.31

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Version 0.31 is an update to Super Auto Pets, released on the 28th of December 2023. This update adds the Pigeon, Hare and Fig, fixes several bugs and makes a lot of balancing changes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed SAP+ features sometimes not working.
  • Fixed toy order bug in versus.


 - Tier: 1.
 - Stats: 3/1.
 - Level 1 Ability: Sell: Stock one free Bread Crumbs.
 - Level 2 Ability: Sell: Stock two free Bread Crumbs.
 - Level 3 Ability: Sell: Stock three free Bread Crumbs.
 - Added to Turtle pack.
 - Tier: 3. 
 - Stats: 3/4. 
 - Level 1 Ability: Before attack: Copy food perk from one random enemy. Works 1 time per battle.
 - Level 2 Ability: Before attack: Copy food perk from one random enemy. Works 2 times per battle.
 - Level 3 Ability: Before attack: Copy food perk from one random enemy. Works 3 times per battle.
 - Added to Puppy pack.
 - Tier: 1.
 - Ability: Give one pet +1 attack.
 - Tier: 3.
 - Ability: Give one pet the Fig perk.
 - Perk: Deal 4 damage to the lowest health enemy on start of battle.
 - Added to Golden pack.

Balance changes

 - Stats: 1/2 > 1/3. 
 - Stats: 3/2 > 1/2. 
 - Old level 1 ability: Sell: Stock one 1-gold Apple.
 - Old level 2 ability: Sell: Stock one 1-gold Better Apple.
 - Old level 3 ability: Sell: Stock one 1-gold Best Apple.
 - New level 1 ability: Sell: Replace shop food with one free Apple.
 - New level 2 ability: Sell: Replace shop food with one free Better Apple.
 - New level 3 ability: Sell: Replace shop food with one free Best Apple.
 - Removed from Turtle pack.
 - Old level 1 ability: No ability.
 - Old level 2 ability: No ability.
 - Old level 3 ability: No ability.
 - New level 1 ability: Egg perk has regular effect.
 - New level 2 ability: Egg perk has double effect.
 - New level 3 ability: Egg perk has triple effect.
 - Old level 1 ability: Start of battle: Summon one 2/3 Nest with Egg perk.
 - Old level 2 ability: Start of battle: Summon one 4/6 Nest with Egg perk.
 - Old level 3 ability: Start of battle: Summon one 6/9 Nest with Egg perk.
 - New level 1 ability: Start of battle: Summon one 2/3 level 1 Nest and give it Egg perk.
 - New level 2 ability: Start of battle: Summon one 4/6 level 2 Nest and give it Egg perk.
 - New level 3 ability: Start of battle: Summon one 6/9 level 3 Nest and give it Egg perk.
 - Stats: 4/3 > 4/2. 
 - Old level 1 ability: Gain perk: Give friends +1 attack until end of battle.
 - Old level 2 ability: Gain perk: Give friends +2 attack until end of battle.
 - Old level 3 ability: Gain perk: Give friends +3 attack until end of battle.
 - New level 1 ability: Friendly gained perk: Give two random friends +1 health until end of battle.
 - New level 2 ability: Friendly gained perk: Give two random friends +2 health until end of battle.
 - New level 3 ability: Friendly gained perk: Give two random friends +3 health until end of battle.
 - Stats: 2/3 > 3/2. 
 - Old level 1 ability: Start of battle: Deal 3 damage to the lowest health enemy.
 - Old level 2 ability: Start of battle: Deal 3 damage to the lowest health enemy. Triggers 2 times.
 - Old level 3 ability: Start of battle: Deal 3 damage to the lowest health enemy. Triggers 3 times.
 - New level 1 ability: Start of battle: Deal 4 damage to the lowest health enemy.
 - New level 2 ability: Start of battle: Deal 4 damage to the lowest health enemy. Triggers 2 times.
 - New level 3 ability: Start of battle: Deal 4 damage to the lowest health enemy. Triggers 3 times.
 - Stats: 3/3 > 4/3. 
 - Old level 1 ability: Friendly toy broke: Re-summon it and gain +1 attack.
 - Old level 2 ability: Friendly toy broke: Re-summon it and gain +2 attack.
 - Old level 3 ability: Friendly toy broke: Re-summon it and gain +3 attack.
 - New level 1 ability: Friendly toy broke: Re-summon the toy, but its level can max be kept at 1.
 - New level 2 ability: Friendly toy broke: Re-summon the toy, but its level can max be kept at 2.
 - New level 3 ability: Friendly toy broke: Re-summon the toy, but its level can max be kept at 3.
 - Old level 1 ability: End turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +4 attack and +4 health until end of battle.
 - Old level 2 ability: End turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +2 attack and +2 health.
 - Old level 3 ability: Start of turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +1 experience.
 - New level 1 ability: End turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +3 attack and +3 health until end of battle.
 - New level 2 ability: End turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +2 attack and +2 health.
 - New level 3 ability: End turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +1 experience.
 - Stats: 4/4 > 1/2. 
  • Changed Ox.
 - Stats: 2/4 > 1/3. 
 - Old level 1 ability: Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk. Works 1 time per turn.
 - Old level 2 ability: Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk. Works 2 times per turn.
 - Old level 3 ability: Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk. Works 3 times per turn.
 - New level 1 ability: Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk and +1 attack. Works 1 time per turn.
 - New level 2 ability: Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk and +1 attack. Works 2 times per turn.
 - New level 3 ability: Friend ahead faints: Gain Melon perk and +1 attack. Works 3 times per turn.
 - Tier: 3 > 5. 
 - Stats: 3/2 > 4/5. 
 - Removed from Puppy pack.
 - Old level 1 ability: Buy: Give two random Faint friends +2 attack and +1 health.
 - Old level 2 ability: Buy: Give two random Faint friends +4 attack and +2 health.
 - Old level 3 ability: Buy: Give two random Faint friends +6 attack and +3 health.
 - New level 1 ability: Buy: Give one random Faint friend +2 attack and +2 health.
 - New level 2 ability: Buy: Give one random Faint friend +4 attack and +4 health.
 - New level 3 ability: Buy: Give one random Faint friend +6 attack and +6 health.
 - Old level 1 ability: Friendly toy broke: Give adjacent friends +3 attack and +3 health.
 - Old level 2 ability: Friendly toy broke: Give adjacent friends +6 attack and +6 health.
 - Old level 3 ability: Friendly toy broke: Give adjacent friends +9 attack and +9 health.
 - New level 1 ability: Friendly toy broke: Give adjacent friends +2 attack and +3 health.
 - New level 2 ability: Friendly toy broke: Give adjacent friends +4 attack and +6 health.
 - New level 3 ability: Friendly toy broke: Give adjacent friends +6 attack and +9 health.
 - Old level 1 ability: End turn: Give three tier 5 friends or higher +2 attack and +1 health.
 - Old level 2 ability: End turn: Give three tier 5 friends or higher +4 attack and +2 health.
 - Old level 3 ability: End turn: Give three tier 5 friends or higher +6 attack and +3 health.
 - New level 1 ability: End turn: Give two tier 5 friends or higher +2 attack and +2 health.
 - New level 2 ability: End turn: Give two tier 5 friends or higher +4 attack and +4 health.
 - New level 3 ability: End turn: Give two tier 5 friends or higher +6 attack and +6 health.
 - Old perk: Gain 2 trumpets on faint.
 - New perk: Gain 2 trumpets on start of battle.
 - Tier: 3 > 5. 
 - Added to Custom pack.
 - Removed from Golden pack.
 - Old ability: Activate buy ability or give +4 health.
 - New ability: Activate buy ability or give +3 health.


  1. Update 0.31 - Pigeon Update! Official patch notes, 28-12-2023