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The Oyster is a Tier 6 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. When sold the Oyster will grant the player extra gold. Levelling up the Oyster will increase the amount of gold granted upon being sold.


Oyster is a huge upgrade from the Pig from the Turtle Pack, and is one of the most efficient buy-sell pets.

When an Oyster is in the shop and there's an empty slot in the team, there's no reasons not to buy-sell it. Buy-selling an Oyster nets +1 gold every time. It's free money.

In Golden pack, Oyster plays an important role in gold build as a gold generator. It counts as 3 gold spent, but gains you 1 gold.

In Custom Packs, if there are pets with limited summon triggers on the team like Seagull or Alpaca, you'll want to be a bit careful with Oyster so as to not waste the triggers.



  • 0.25: The Oyster's Tier is changed from Tier 5 to Tier 6.
  • 0.24: The Oyster is added into the game as part of the Golden Pack.