Cone Snail

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The Cone Snail is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. At the start of battle, it gives the pet behind it a buff to their health. Levelling up the Cone Snail increases the amount of health it gives.


Within Golden Pack the Cone Snail's most prominent and immediate synergy is with the Silkmoth and Bulldog due to the in-battle benefits they gain from health based buffs. This synergy can be executed as early as turn 1 and will often secure early wins.

Outside of specific pet synergies the Cone Snail still synergises with basically all Hurt Pets due to its capability to enable an extra trigger of their abilities where they might otherwise not be able.

Despite these synergies the Cone Snail does not scale well into later turns and will be quickly outclassed as a Hurt pet synergist by pets like Surgeon Fish and Elephant.

Game Sound



  • 0.24: Introduced as part of the Golden Pack.