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The Baboon is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. When you end your turn, the Baboon buffs a random friend from the current shop tier. The amount of stats given is increased when levelling up the Baboon.


Baboon gives more stats than normal tier 3 scalers like Giraffe, but with a team building cost that demands you to constantly pivot your team to get full value. You need to ways have a pet from current shop tier for the ability to trigger, unlike Lettuce that works with higher tiers too. To assure the buff will get to the desired friend you should also have only one friend from the current shop tier. During turns 5 and 6 it can not target itself, but it can target other Baboons, so running multiple copies can be good early. Saving a level up for every shop tier upgrade can also help insuring you will have a pet from the current shop tier when the shop upgrades. After turn 11 it will always target tier 6 friends. Adding the fact that with level up Baboon buff stacks instead of spreading, a high level Baboon can quickly scale a tier 6 if you have no other tier 6 friend, or use a Donut.

Game Sound

