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The Dog is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. Whenever a friend is summoned, the Dog will gain a stat buff. However, the stats will only last until end of battle. Levelling up the Dog will increase the amount of stats gained for each friend summoned.


The Dog has mediocre stats. It can be a heavy hitter for a few turns early on if you're buying and selling lots of pets, but tends to fall off quickly unless supported by a summoning team featuring units like the Sheep and the Fly. Even then, its ability is weak compared to that of pets like the Hippo and the Kangaroo. The dog pairs very well with the Dragon in the Turtle Pack, but gets overshadowed by other buy/sell pets in customs like the Buffalo.

Game Sound



  • 0.31: Changed the Dog's base stats from 2/3 to 3/2.
  • 0.26:
    • Changed the Dog's base stats from 3/4 to 2/3.
    • Changed the Dog's ability from: "Friend summoned: Gain +1/+1, +2/+2, +3/+3 until end of battle." to "Friend summoned: Gain +2/+1, +4/+2, +6/+3 until end of battle." .
    • Removed from the Puppy Pack
  • 0.12:
    • Changed the Dog's base stats from 3/3 to 3/4.
    • Changed the Dog's ability from: Friend summoned: Gain +1/+2/+3 attack or +1/+2/+3 health." to "Friend summoned: Gain +1/+1, +2/+2, +3/+3 until end of battle."
  • 0.18: Changed the Dog's base stats from 2/2 to 3/3.
  • 0.14:Changed Dog to tier 3.