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The Magpie is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. At the end of turn it will take excess Gold and give it back at the start of the next turn. Levelling up the Magpie increases the amount of gold it can take and then give back to you next turn.


The Magpies ability may seem odd and unusable at first but what little power it possesses lies in that it spends gold without actually using it up. This is useful for pets like the Gazelle, Meerkat and Bird of Paradise because they all benefit from an increased amount of gold regardless of how it is gained or spent. Keep in mind that the Magpie only needs up to 3 gold once, and then will be able to carry that gold over each turn as long as the player only spends 10 gold per turn.

Outside of those pet specific synergies the Magpie can still serve as a rudimentary Avocado: spending gold on one turn to benefit from it the next turn. This can be helpful in situations where the player knows having more gold next turn is more valuable than having it on the current turn such as just before a shop tier upgrade.

Game Sound



  • 0.24: Introduced as part of the Golden Pack.