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The Nyala is a Tier 5 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. When the Nyala faints, it will generate a hefty amount of Trumpets. Levelling up the Nyala will increase the amount of Trumpets generated.


Since Nyala requires no investment to generate a meaningful number of Trumpets, it can immediately provide a boost to almost any team, especially those that make use of Trumpets. Putting a Mushroom on a Nyala is an easy way to double its Trumpet output. It pairs very well with Nurse Shark, since both pets are available in Tier 5. Pets like Pteranodon and Whale can also cause the Nyala to respawn and generate yet more Trumpets.

Because Nyala is a faint pet, positioning is important. It is susceptible to being pushed to an undesirable position by Eggplant or Seahorse. In addition, its low base stats mean that pets like Camel and Hippo may get more mileage out of their abilities if Nyala is placed at the front.




  • 0.24: The Nyala is added into the game as part of the Golden Pack.