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The Ostrich is a Tier 6 Pet, available in the Star Pack. At the end of turn, the Ostrich will gain a small amount of stats that will be multiplied by the amount of tier 5 or higher pets in the shop. Leveling up the Ostrich will increase the amount of stats that will then be multiplied.


Ostrich is one of the fastest self scaler in the game that can gain massive amount of stats per turn. It's best utilized by keeping the entire shop frozen with tier 5 and up pets to guarantee a big buff. A more flexible way to do it would be keeping only 2 or 3 pets frozen, and unfreeze the remaining slots for next turn so you can find new pets or level ups before going back to freezing tier 5 and 6 pets.

While the shop usually only has 5 pets at maximum, with good use of Chocolate into level ups, it's possible to increase this amount up to 9 pets. If they're all frozen, a level 2 Ostrich can gain +18/+18 per turn, and at level 3 it'll be +27/+27.

By using Konpeito or Water of Youth, you can transform your totally statted up Ostrich into a pet with more utility focused ability such as Cat, Leopard, or Behemoth.


