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The Llama is a Tier 4 Pet, available in the Puppy Pack. At the end of turn, the Llama gains a boost to its stats, but only if there 4 or fewer pets on the team. Leveling up the Llama will increase the amount of stats it gains.


Llama is the equivalent of Bison from Turtle pack, as both require a "dead" space for them to buff themselves. However an empty space is much easier to manage than a level 3 friend, since it can be used for buy-selling as well as other abilities. Llama pairs well with other pets that need an empty space like Robin and Owl, as well as buy-sell pets like Buffalo and, later, the Dragon.

It's overall a very easy pet to use. Having only 4 team members isn't as bad of a debuff as you might think, and the stats you gain in return are well worth the investment. Just don't accidentally fill up the team and waste its ability.

Outside of the Puppy Pack it also has great synergy with Macaque and Manta Ray, both of which also require an empty space on the team to enable their abilities.

Version History

8th June 2023

  • Changed the Llama's base stats to 2/5 from 3/6.
  • Changed the Llama's ability to "End turn: If there is an empty space, gain +1/+2, +2/+4, +3/+6." from: "End turn: If there is an empty space, gain +2/+2, +4/+4, +6/+6."

12th August 2021

  • Attack and Health were changed to 3/6.

