Moby Dick

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The Moby Dick is a hidden Tier 1 Pet that isn't normally available in the shop and can only be obtained through abilities. At the start of battle, Moby Dick will remove itself from the team. Leveling up Moby Dick will give it an additional ability: removing itself when it's summoned.

Note that Remove is a unique ability, distinct from Faint. Moby Dick does not trigger any Faint-related abilities.


Designed as the "achievement hunter's bane", Moby Dick serves no gameplay purposes other than being a bragging right. It's locked behind a hidden ability, (typically) forces the player to win 2 extra trophies in order to beat the game, has an ability that actively hurts the team, and an additional ability that makes sure you have to level it up through normal means instead of instantly summoning a level 3 copy. Moby Dick is essentially a more extreme version of Sloth, a deadweight both in the shop and in battle. Think of this as practice for your Sloth win.

It can be obtained during shop phase in Custom and Weekly packs by first knocking out a Nessie, then knocking out the summoned Nessie?, and finally purchasing the stocked Peg Leg while having an empty slot on the team. Giving Nessie a Mushroom prior to knocking it out will make pivoting into a Moby Dick team much easier as Nessie loses no real utility when resummoned as a 1/1.

Another way is by finding an opponent with Moby Dick, then stealing it with Anglerfish. Angling a Moby Dick has the added bonus of skipping the Peg Leg, which allows you to still win with only 10 trophies.

A good strategy to win with Moby Dick is pairing it with Macaque. As long as Macaque has lower attack than Moby Dick, it will summon an Orangutan in the empty slot left by Moby Dick.



  • 0.32: The Moby Dick is added into the game as part of the Unicorn Pack.