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The Iguana is a Tier 2 Pet, available in the Star Pack. The Iguana will deal a low amount of damage to any pets that were summoned or pushed on the enemy team. Levelling up the Iguana increases the amount of damage it deals.


It synergizes with the Seahorses' push ability for a Mosquito-like snipe to the backmost unit. It also works with the Donkey in much the same manner due to it's push ability.

At level 1 it shuts down the ability of Cricket at both level 1 and 2, the Rooster, level 1 Sheep as well as the Honey and Mushroom food perks. You can pair it with a Pineapple in order to counter higher level summon abilities, reaching 8 damage per snipe. At level 3 it can even completely knockout a level 1 Bus (assuming it was summoned in battle).

Iguana also pairs well with pets that summon tokens for your opponent, such as the Rat and the Bear but only if you weren't planning to use them to create knock-out fodder for something like a Hippo or Rhino.

Game Sound




  • 0.30:
    • Changed the Iguana's base stats from 1/3 to 3/3.
    • Changed the Iguana's ability from "Enemy summoned or pushed: Deal 1/2/3 damage to it." to "Enemy summoned or pushed: Deal 2/4/6 damage to it."
    • Changed the Iguana's tier from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
  • 0.18: Introduced as part of the Star Pack.