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The Wasp is a Tier 3 Pet, available in Custom packs and sometimes available in the Weekly Pack. Whenever the Shop Tier is upgraded, the Wasp will gain a buff to its attack in the form of a percentage multiplier. Levelling up the Wasp increases this percentage multiplier.


The Wasp synergizes very well with a Croissant, but is still typically only worth taking if you get it from a level up. In the right situations, it can make for a very early 50/50. You need a Lollipop once you get the Wasp to 50 attack, and then within a few rounds the attack can re-up itself again to 50, with very little investment on your part, but lots of luck. If you don't want to focus to much on this low-tier unit, then giving it a Pepper can make it a decent Pet that trades favorably.

Keep in mind that Turn 11 is the final Shop Tier upgrade and the Wasp will no longer have a meaningful ability after the start of that turn.

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