Drop Bear

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The Drop Bear is a Tier 2 Pet, available in the Unicorn Pack. When there is an empty front space, the Drop Bear will jump to the front and deal damage to the last enemy. Levelling the Drop Bear will increase the damage it does through its ability.


The Drop Bear is a jump pet, so it naturally combos well with pets in its pack such as Jackalope, Tatzelwurm and Loveland Frogman. In customs this also sinergizes with pets that have an ability that have to do with a pet in front, like Snake, Cobra and Kangaroo, as this will take the place of a pet that faints. Perks recommended for this are Pineapple and Onion, as they buff this pet's damage and make it jump once again, respectivelly.

Game Sound


The Drop Bear is based on the australian myth of carnivorous koalas that drop from tree on people (though koalas aren't bears). In super auto pets this is represented by a koala with a tiny bear-like body and fangs.



  • 0.32:
    • Introduced as part of the Unicorn Pack.