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The Lizard is a Tier 2 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. When the Lizard is hurt, it summons a Lizard Tail with the same level as itself. Levelling up the Lizard increases the stats of the summoned Lizard Tail.


The Lizard is a great early game animal because of the high attack of it's tails that are able to take out most of the pets at that stage of the game, as well as synergizing with pets that can help it use both of it's triggers or buff the tail like Cone Snail, Silkmoth, Sea Turtle and others. The lizard helps the Secretary Bird and Grizzly Bear with their ability triggers, because of the summons though at that point there may be better summoning options. The Lizard can synergize with the Emu. When the Lizard Tail dies, the Emu pushes the Lizard to the front and gives it extra health, giving it a better chance to use both triggers.

Game Sound




  • 0.27:
    • Changed the Lizard's base stats from 1/4 to 1/3.
    • Changed the Lizard's ability from working infinitely to now only working 2 times per turn.
    • Changed Hurt abilities to also trigger if the pet fainted.
  • 0.25:
    • Changed the Lizard's base stats from 1/3 to 1/4.
    • Changed the Lizard's ability from "Hurt: Summon one 2/1, 4/2, 6/3 Lizard Tail." to "Hurt: Summon one 3/1, 6/2, 9/3 Lizard Tail."
  • 0.24: