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The Moth is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Puppy Pack but still available for free in Custom Packs. Upon the start of battle, the Moth gives the front-most pet a temporary buff to their attack. Upon being leveled up, the amount of attack given to the front-most pet at the start of battle is increased.


The Moth remains at a relatively stable level throughout most points of the game, ensuring the front most pet will at least trade in very early turns. It can be knocked out by snipes from Mosquitos and Iguanas, especially the latter due to most players tendency to put it at the back of the team. This isn't a huge counter though as the Moth will always activate its ability regardless of if it has been knocked out or not.

Moth isn't that good in the early game, because most pets it can buff have low health, and having multiple might be completely useless because almost no pets will have much more than 5 or so health. Moth can become stronger later into the game when you have pets with Lemon or Melon to make use of the attack more, or Pets that benefit specifically from a boost to their attack like the Lionfish.

Game Sound




  • 0.27
    • Changed the Moth's base stats from 2/1 to 1/3.
    • Changed the Moth's ability from "Start of battle: Give front-most friend +3/+6/+9 attack." to "Start of battle: Give front-most friend +2/+4/+6 attack.".
    • Added to the Puppy Pack.
  • 0.18: Added to the game exclusively in Weekly Pack and Custom Packs.