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The Owl is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Puppy pack. At the start of turn, the Owl summons a Mouse. Leveling up the Owl will increase the summoned Mouse's level.


Owl is an extremely flexible pet that acts as a combination of Swan and Giraffe from Turtle pack. The Mouse it summons each turn can be sold for gold, the free Apple can then be fed to any pet on the team, and this is simply a free sell trigger for pets like Shrimp and Buffalo.

Owl's only downside is requiring an empty space when going into battle. This is well worth the values that Owl brings, and it also allows for synergies with other pets that require empty space such as Llama.

Game Sound




  • 0.31: Changed the Owl's base stats from 4/4 to 1/2.
  • 0.30: Changed the Owl's base stats from 1/2 to 4/4.
  • 0.27:
    • Changed the Owl's base stats from 5/3 to 1/2.
    • Changed the Owl's ability from Sell: Give one random friend +2/+2, +4/+4, +6/+6." to "Start of turn: Summon one level 1/2/3 Mouse."