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The Ant is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. When the Ant faints, it buffs the stats of one random friend. Levelling up the Ant increases the stats given by its ability.


The Ant's stats are mid, but its ability is good for a Tier 1 Pet. Not only does the Ant's good attack mean it can trade with most tier 1 pets, but its buff when fainting often allows one of its friends to get an extra KO, meaning the Ant often trades 2-for-1.

However, this doesn't always pan out in practice. Firstly, if the Ant's buff hits a 1 health friend, then that friend is unlikely to get an extra KO, wasting the Ant's ability. Secondly, it can't trade with a Duck, Marmoset or Seahorse. Having multiple Ants will simply multiply these weaknesses, so it's usually better not to have multiple Ants in the first round.

As most Tier 1 pets do, the Ant falls off in the mid-game. Though the Ant still has power in that it can be given a Sleeping Pill, its ability will activate and give one of its friends a nice, permanent buff to their stats.

Overall, the Ant is a very powerful early game unit that can easily win early rounds, and can be sacrificed for scaling later on.


Game Sound



  • 0.27
    • Changed the Ant's base stats from 2/1 to 2/2.
    • Changed the Ant's ability from: "Faint: Give a random friend +2/+1, +4/+2, +6/+3" to "Faint: Give a random friend +1/+1, +2/+2, +3/+3."
    • Removed from the Puppy Pack