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The Quetzalcoatl is a Tier 6 Pet, available in the Unicorn Pack. At the end of a turn, Quetzalcoatl will give 2 Experience to a friendly pet that is Tier 3 or lower. Leveling Quetzalcoatl will make them repeat this action.


The Quetzalcoatl is a very strong addition to any exp. build. It functions very well with pets like Cyclops, Team Spirit, and Lucky Cat. In Unicorn Pack, Cyclops allows you to get a level 3 Quetzalcoatl very fast, meaning that every turn, you can take one pet from level 1 all the way up to level 3 for free. Combining this feature with pets that gain benefits on level up such as Lucky Cat, Fish, and Team Spirit allows you to get a very strong team very fast. Additionally, if you keep your Cyclops around, he will provide buffs in the form of exp. and mana to make your new pet stronger then ever.

Additionally, Quetzalcoatl is uniquely useful for achievement hunting with weaker early tier pets and especially useful for Token pets as they all count as tier 1 pets.

Game Sound



  • 0.32:
    • Introduced as part of the Unicorn Pack.