Sleeping Pill

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The Sleeping Pill is a Tier 2 Food, available in the Turtle Pack and the Puppy Pack. When a pet is fed a Sleeping Pill, they're knocked out and are permanently removed from the team. However, this will also activate their Faint abilities.

Sleeping Pill costs 1 gold, instead of the usual 3 for all other Foods.

Sleeping Pill does not trigger Eats food abilities.


Sleeping Pill is one of the strongest food in the game, even more so when it's available outside of its own packs. Pill is gold efficient and gives direct access to Faint abilities, often means getting pets, perks and buffs from higher tiers or that might be otherwise inaccessible.

Most Faint Pets synergize with Pill. Here are some of the most prominent examples:

  • Stats boosts: Ant, Flamingo, Mammoth all give nice stat boosts when they faint. At tier 2, Flamingo Pill is 4 gold for a targeted Salad Bowl (a tier 3 food).
  • Higher tier pets: Spider, Beluga Sturgeon and Eagle will all summon a pet from 1 tier higher when they faint.
  • Melon: This is a powerful tier 6 perk that can be obtained as early as turn 3. Pilling something in front of an Ox will give it permanent Melon, and of course, pilling a Turtle will give Melon to any pet of your choosing.
  • Achievement hunting: Pilling summoners like Sheep, Deer, or Rooster will summon their tokens, allowing you to get their secret achievements and ribbons.
  • Blobfish: While only available in Custom or Weekly pack, pilling a Blobfish is 4 gold for a Chocolate. Not only is this available earlier than Chocolate, it's also straight up another way to gain experience, increasing the chances of leveling up your pets.


  • Commonly referred to as just "Pill".

