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The Visitor is a Tier 4 Pet, available in the Unicorn Pack. The Visitor gives the Exposed Ailment to pets in both directions, increasing at higher levels


The Visitor needs a big guy of yours to attack its target which is most preferably a big guy. But the big guy of yours is exposed. So you either need Fairy Dust or an innate jump guy like Drop Bear. Or something that don't give a damn about the downsides of an ailment, like putting a small guy to be Exposed to minimize its downside. Or a Unicorn. Or a Brain Cramp, which, honestly, is a jump guy.

If you're facing against a Visitor, you need to lock in with the aftermentioned strategies used to minimise the downsides, like Brain Cramps, Unicorns, poisitioning for the best chances of it hitting your small guys, and if you're not doing mirror matchups, stuff like Ox or Frigatebird.

Game Sound


  • The Visitor is an obvious parody/spoof/homage to the Xenomorph, from many design traits alone.
    • In fact, down the game files, the Visitor is referred to as a Xenomorph.



  • 0.32:
    • Introduced as part of the Unicorn Pack.