Flying Fish

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The Flying Fish is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Golden Pack. When a friendly pet is summoned during battle, the Flying Fish will give it experience. Leveling up the Flying Fish increases the amount of experiences it gives.


Level 1 Flying Fish will turn any level 1 summon into a level 2.

Level 2 Flying Fish will turn any level 2 summon into a level 3.

Level 3 Flying Fish will turn any level 1 summon into a level 3.

Each experience also comes with +1/+1, so Flying Fish is comparable to Turkey from the Turtle pack, but much more limited in its number of triggers. It doesn't pair well with "spammy" summons like Slug, and should instead focus on pets with good abilities that benefit from the level ups, which sadly won't be available until later tiers.

Beluga Whale is the most obvious combo, as everything that Beluga Whale releases will be instantly leveled up. Beluga + Nyala, Wolf, Warthog and so on are all great targets for Flying Fish.

Custom pack

Flying Fish is much more potent in Customs, especially thanks to all the experience pets from Star pack. It works extremely well with Clownfish, giving the summons extra stats from leveling up. A Stork that summons Jellyfish can be devastating with the amount of stats it gains. In late game, it works with Tapir + Eagle combo for instant level 2/3 Eagles.

Game Sound



  • 0.29: Changed the Flying Fish's base stats from 1/2 to 3/2.
  • 0.25:
    • Changed the Flying Fish's base statsfrom 3/3 to 1/2.
    • Changed ability from "Friend summoned: If in battle, give it +1 experience and +1 attack." to "Friend summoned: If in battle, give it +2 experience. Works 2 times per turn."
  • 0.24: Introduced as part of the Golden Pack.