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The Duck is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack and the Puppy Pack. When sold, it will increase the health of all pets currently in the shop. When levelled up, the amount of health given is increased. This health buff will not apply to future animals if the shop is rolled.


The Duck has one of the weakest abilities in the game with the money it takes to buy rarely being worth the effect alone. Although viable for the Buy/Sell archetype, the Duck is one of the most useful pets in early game because of its strong base stats. Duck is weak compared to some other tier 1 pets with the same base stats because of their more potent abilities but it still has the highest starting stats of any Tier 1 Pet in the Turtle Pack, making it an effective purchase on turns 1 and 2 if the player is looking for early wins while still looking to benefit later pivots.

That said, if the player comes across enough Ducks to make it level 2, preferably leveling up on turn 3 alongside other level ups, the Duck can have a much more potent impact in terms of stats: buffing multiple Tier 3 pets by 2 health before adding them to the team.


  • The Duck's standard sprite depicts a male Mallard Duck with its legs tucked in, suggesting that it is in a sitting or floating position.

Game Sound



  • 0.18: Changed Duck's base stats from 1/3 to 2/3.
  • 0.16: Changed the Duck's base stats from 1/2 to 1/3.
  • 0.14: Changed the Duck's ability from "Sell: Give shop pets +1/+1, +2/+2, +3/+3" to "Sell: Give shop pets +1/+2/+3 health."