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The Gibbon is a Tier 1 Pet available only in custom packs. Whenever the shop upgrades to a higher tier (on turns 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11), the Gibbon will give two pets behind it a health buff. Levelling up the Pillbug increases the amount health given per shop tier upgrade. This was the old ability of the Pillbug before it was changed in the Star Pack rework.


The Gibbon is similar to the Bluebird in that it is one of the earliest Scaling Pets. It has average stats for a Tier 1, able to trade with a good chunk of the other Tier 1s without falling victim to a single Mosquito or Iguana snipe.

It should always be placed ahead of at least two other Pets prior to the shop upgrading so that maximum use can be made of its ability. Scaling pets that you want keep around is advised and if you have two of the same Pet on your team that you intend to combine later, avoid buffing both at once as you will lose half of the buff upon their combination.

The Gibbon has some minor synergies with Hurt Pets like the Camel and Peacock, of whom benefit more from health scaling as it allows them to potentially trigger their ability more times before dying.


  • 0.34: Introduced as part of the Star Pack rework.