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The Horse is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. Whenever a friend is summoned, the Horse will increase that friend's attack, this attack buff only lasts until the end of the battle. Levelling up the Horse increases the amount of attack it gives to summoned pets.


The Horse is a very situational pet. Its ability can be powerful, but with 1 health, it can be risky to run, and will not scale well past the early game.

The obvious use for the Horse is in Summon Builds. Early on, a Horse will buff Zombie Crickets and Bees to the important 2-attack benchmark. This allows them to trade 2-for-1, which is very powerful on paper. However it should be taken into consideration that this is only for 1 round; buffing the Zombie Cricket alone doesn't improve the Cricket that much.

Past the early game, the Horse falls off rapidly. The attack buff is negligible; you won't summon enough tokens for it to make a difference. If you want to run a summon team in the long term, you'd be better off setting up a decent early game team and then pivoting to Turkey, Fly, Rooster, etc.

Overall, the Horse tends to run hot-and-cold. On the first round, 2 Crickets and a Horse is very strong; but the Horse falls off very quickly, and an early Horse build will likely result in a weaker overall team.

Game Sound



WIP 18th August 2022

  • Changed the Horse's base stats from 3/1 to 2/1.

15th August 2022

  • Changed the Horse's base stats from 2/1 to 3/1.

29th November 2021

  • Changed the Horse's base stats from 1/1 to 2/1.
  • Changed the Horse's ability from "Friend summoned: give it +2/+4/+6 attack until end of battle." to "Friend summoned: give it +1/+2/+3 attack until end of battle."

23rd November 2021

  • Changed the Horses's ability from "Friend summoned: give it +1/+2/+3 attack until end of battle" to "Friend summoned: give it +2/+4/+6 attack until end of battle."
  • Changed the Horse's base stats from 2/1 to 1/1.

26th July 2021

  • Changed the Horse's ability to: "Friend summoned: give it +1 attack until end of battle".