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The Platypus is a Tier 4 Pet, available in the Star Pack. Upon fainting and being sold, the Platypus will summon a Duck and a Beaver with set base stats. Levelling up the Platypus increases the base stats and level of the summoned Duck and Beaver.


The Platypus' main purpose is to be bought and sold in buy/sell strategies. This is the blessing for buy/sell strategies since it can summon up to 3 pets in total (including itself) outside of battle and all of them can be sold, making it costless to buy and use assuming you have 2 unused pet slots. When selling the Duck and Beaver, it is very important the the Duck is sold first, since Beaver risks wasting its stats on the Duck if Beaver is sold first. The Duck gives stats to the shop and therefore does not risk wasting stats on the Beaver if sold first.

When Platypus is sold with a Starfish on the team, there is a high chance that the Starfish can gave stats to the Duck or Beaver, so selling a temporary pet like Skunk or Deer to free up space on your team is often not worth the risk just to buy/sell a Platypus.

The Platypus can in few cases be used without a buy/sell team if you happen to have 2 unused pet slots. This is because selling the Beaver and Duck gives two random friends +1 Attack along with +1 Health to your current shop for free. It is only a very small stat boost to your pets, but it is also free, so there is no reason not to buy and sell it when possible.




  • 0.30:
    • Changed the Platypus's base stats from 5/2 to 2/2.
    • Changed the Platypus's ability from "Sell: Summon one level 1/2/3 Duck and Beaver." to "Sell & Faint: Summon one 3/3, 6/6, 9/9 level 1/2/3 Duck and Beaver."
  • 0.18: The Platypus is added into the game as part of the Star Pack.