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The Peacock is a Tier 2 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack. When the Peacock takes damage, it gains attack. Leveling up the Peacock will increase the amount of attack it gains when hurt.


The Peacock is best paired with the Elephant, which will deal safe amounts of damage and it will be able to gain lots of attack in battle. Though, early on, it might be a good idea to give it Honey, as it will become a glass cannon.

Like most Pets with Hurt Abilities, the Peacock benefits immensely from Garlic and later on, Lemon due to their damage reductions when taking damage - something the Peacock wants to do while still being able to stay alive.

It's also good with Leech. Later into the game, use a Lollipop on the Peacock, allowing the health to increase and buffing its attack very quickly with Leech again.

Another good combo is with Rat. Putting the Rat in front of the Peacock allows at least one easy buff to the unit, albeit with minor health lost and the fact it’s dependent on your enemy’s board.

Game Sound


  • Peacocks are often depicted as very vain animals, taking great pride in their impressive plumage. Its ability in game could be interpreted as the Peacock becoming more and more enraged after being attacked.



  • 0.27:
  • 0.18:
    • Changed the Peacock's ability from: "Hurt: Gain 50% attack (once/twice/thrice per turn). to "Hurt: Gain 4/8/12 attack."
  • 0.16:
    • Changed the Peacock's base stats from 1/5 to 2/5.
    • Changed the Peacock's ability to Hurt: Gain 50% Attack (with charges).