Custom Packs

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Custom Packs are a special type of pack in Super Auto Pets that allow you to customize and create your own pack as long as they follow the ruleset.

Custom Pack Ruleset

For each tier, you can have up to 10 pets and 3 food.

You cannot change the tier of pets. For example, you can only have Dragon in the Tier 6 slot, nowhere else.

You can only pick pets and food from packs you own. For example, if you wish to have the Squid as a Tier 2 Pet in your Custom Pack, you will need to own the Golden Pack. A few pets have an exception to this rule, they will be listed in the following section.

Free to Use

All Turtle Pack pets are free to use in Custom Packs, as they are owned by everyone.

There are a few pets and food from other packs that are also free to use, which are as follows.

Tier 1: Chinchilla, Moth. (from Puppy Pack.)

Tier 2: Frigatebird, Shrimp, Toucan. (from Puppy Pack.)

Tier 3: Gold Fish, Mole, Raccoon, Croissant (from Puppy Pack.)

Tier 4: Doberman (from Puppy Pack.),

Tier 5: Lemon (from Puppy Pack.)

Tier 6: Lionfish (from Puppy Pack.)

Custom Pack Exclusives

Aside from these rules, there are pets and food only available in the Custom Pack. They can sometimes be seen in the Weekly Pack as well. They may only be used if the pack they can be found in is already purchased. They are as follows:

Tier 1: Basilisk (from Unicorn Pack.)

Tier 2: Nightcrawler, Sphinx, Chupacabra, and Golden Beetle (from Unicorn Pack.)

Tier 3: Foo Dog, Tree Ent, Slime, Pegasus, and Deer Lord (from Unicorn Pack.)

Tier 4: Fairy, Rootling, Anubis, Old Mouse, and Hippocampus (from Unicorn Pack.)

Tier 5: Boitata, Kappa, Mimic, Nurikabe, Tandgnost, and Tandgrisner (from Unicorn Pack.)

Tier 6: Great One, Leviathan, Questing Beast, and Cockatrice (from Unicorn Pack.)


  • 0.18: Introduced into the game.