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The Beaver is a Tier 1 Pet, available in the Turtle Pack and the Puppy Pack. When the Beaver is sold, it will give buff the attack of 2 friends. The friends buffed by the Beaver are chosen at random; however, the same friend will never be buffed twice. If there is only one friend left after selling the Beaver, it will buff the remaining friend only once. Levelling up the Beaver increases the amount of attack given to each of the 2 friends.


The strength of the Beaver lies within its ability to scale by being sold, providing 2 points of permanent attack and an early 3/2 stat-line for the net cost of 2 gold. While not having an ability that benefits combat, the Beaver is relatively viable round one option due it's high attack allowing it to trade with pets with the 2/3 base stats as well as it's relative safety regarding Mosquito or Tennis Ball snipes compared to something like the Pig.

Early Tier 1 pets that are intended to be kept for a long time will highly benefit from being paired with the Beavers early scaling, as their abilities are far more relevant in the mid and late game compared to other tier 1 pets.

Pets that provide benefits from being sold aren't super compatible with the Beaver, as they don't benefit from the permanent attack bonus the Beaver provides. An early example of this is the Otter as its permanent Health bonus to a random pet would not benefit a Beaver that benefits from being sold. This can be avoided by purchasing the Otter before purchasing the Beaver.

In combat, the Beavers 3/2 base stats makes it a counter to any pet with 3 or lower base health. Because it's ability benefits from being sold, eliminating any other pet is a net positive for the Beaver as it provides no combat benefits. Mosquitos and Crickets can be countered in the Beavers favor as the Beaver can tank their combat abilities and eliminate them despite not having a combat ability. All tier one pets in the Turtle and Puppy packs trade neutrally with the Beaver except those that it beats being the Otter, Duckling and Ladybug.

Apart from the early game, the Beaver highly benefits the Buy/Sell archetype. Pets such as the Dragon, Buffalo and Shrimp benefit from the Beaver as it being sold enables their abilities, as well as providing 2 extra points of permanent attack across the team.

Game Sound



  • 0.27:
    • Changed the Beaver's ability from: "Sell: Give two random friends +1/+2/+3 health" to "Sell: Give two random friends +1/+2/+3 attack" to: "Sell: Give two random friends +1/+2/+3 health."
  • 0.18: Changed the Beaver's base stats from 2/2 to 3/2.