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The Macaque is a Tier 5 Pet that is found in the Golden Pack. At the start of battle, it summons a 12/12 Orangutan with the same level and Food Perk as the Macaque. Leveling up the Macaque increases the Orangutan's stats.


At the cost of two slots on your team, Macaque gives a massive amount of tempo when picked up early that will begin to fall off as most teams start to scale to 50/50 and battle abilities become prevalent; however, Macaque's ability can potentially carry you to an early enough victory when leveled that it falling off may not even come into play. Chocolate, Blobfish, and Alpaca are all great ways to quickly obtain a level 2 Macaque, putting your team far ahead of the scaling curve. Blobfish in particular can potentially get you a level 2 Macaque on Tier 4 level up, giving your team an utterly absurd 24/24 pet for that point in the game.

Macaque sharing its food perk with the summoned Orangutan allows it hold a food perk unlike most summons, as well as effectively getting two of food perk with only one purchase. Melon, Pepper, and Lemon are all good defensive options for the strong Orangutan though their effectiveness on the Macaque itself may vary based on whether or not its been scaled. Steak and Chili both have more assured value on the Macaque itself with Steak giving a potential 40 extra damage to your team and enabling a level 3 Orangutan to potentially trade with 50/50s.

Macaque's required empty slot can create some difficulties with fitting it into a team, however the empty slot also gives quite a few opportunities for synergy. Llama and Manta Ray are the most obvious candidates as they share the same requirement for their ability to function with Manta Ray providing more Gold to attempt to safely pivot to higher tier pets and scaling. The empty slot also allows the player to take pets like Cow, Oyster or Zebra without worrying about slots being taken up; it additionally ensures a slot is always open for Buy-sell pets like Dragon and Buffalo to activate their ability.

Version History

26th January 2023

  • The Macaque's tier is changed to 5 from 4.
  • The Macaque's base stats is changed to 2/2 from 1/2.
  • The Macaque's ability is changed to "Start of battle: Summon one 12/12 / 24/24 / 36/36 Orangutan with the same Food as this." from "Start of battle: Summon one 8/8 / 16/16 / 24/24 Gorilla with the same Food as this."

9th January 2023

  • The Macaque is added into the game as part of the Golden Pack.
