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The Nessie is a Tier 5 Pet, available in the Unicorn Pack. When Nessie faints, it summons a Nessie? with increasing stats depending on how many rolls were used on that turn, capping out at 7 rolls. Leveling up Nessie increases the Nessie?'s levels and stats gained for each roll.


Nessie is a powerful summoner just due to how big the summoned Nessie? can be with very little investment. It can provide an instant 7/14 on the turn it's bought, and can be found as early as turn 7 where very few pets can rival its stats. Stacking multiple Nessies mean scaling all of their tokens at the same time, and there are many gold and roll synergies for them to work with.

In Custom packs, Nessie is even more dominating when paired with other Faint synergies such as Mushroom.




  • 0.32: Nessie is added into the game as part of the Unicorn Pack.