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The Kappa is a Tier 5 Pet, available in Custom Packs after purchasing the Unicorn Pack. Upon fainting, Kappa will summon a 14/16 pet from Tier 3 on both the player's team and the enemy's team if space is avaliable. Leveling Kappa increases how many pets it summons.


Positioning Kappa at the front space with no scaling is the best option for safely summoning in battle as the opponent will likely win the first exchange with all five of their pets still present, while the unscaled Kappa will almost surely faint.

However, even trying to use Kappa in battle is risky, especially at higher levels. Due to this it's much easier to just use Sleeping Pill on a Kappa to give yourself an immediate 14/16 pet, particularly useful if Kappa is gotten early on turn 7/8 via level up reward.


Game Sound




  • 0.32:
    • Introduced as part of the Unicorn Pack as a custom exclusive pet.