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The Anteater is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Star Pack. Upon faint, the Anteater will summon level 3 Ant(s). Levelling up the Anteater increases the amount of the summoned level 3 Ants.


The Anteater is mainly used in summon builds, summoning up to three pets on faint while giving out decent buffs to the rest of the team. It's considered as an upgrade to the Sheep due to its more versatile summons.

Anteater pairs best with Vulture and Spinosaurus, giving them up to four guaranteed faints for only one slot. The summoned Ants can also be buffed with Turkey to do more damage and have a better chance against Hippo and Boar.

In terms of appropriate food perks a Mushroom may be tempting but care should be taken to not waste any summons. Popcorns or Banana may be easier to make use of if the player is purely looking for more summons but doesn't wish to drastically restructure their team as much.




  • 0.30:
    • Changed the Anteater's ability from "Faint: Summon two level 1/2/3 Ants." to "Faint: Summon one/two/three 1/1 level 3 Ant."
    • Changed the Anteater's Tier from 4 to 3.