Version 0.12

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Version 0.12 is an update to Super Auto Pets, released on the 28th of October 2021.

Quality of life updates

  • Versus mode works again. Public matches now plays up to 8 player. If there are less than 8 players after a minute, match will start early. Huzzah!
  • Arena settings can be changed, so you can play against your own pack, or all packs.
  • Fast Forward is now saved between battles.
  • Added log out prompt.
  • Username can be changed by clicking on it in the main menu.
  • Freezing no longer requires a server call.
  • No gold prompt on end of turn if you have a Tyrannosaurus.
  • Added juicy feedback when food item is lost.
  • Fixed Rat Sleeping Pill bug.
  • Fixed Ox, Snake, Kangaroo + Sheep bug
  • Fixed Hippo, Dog and other animals that gains health during battle will properly cap at 50.
  • Fixed Tiger also working on End of Turn and Start of Turn effects.
  • Fixed Skunk bad math bug.

New content

  • Added two new backgrounds for customization.

Balance changes

  • Dodo now only targets 1 minion, but gains damage multiplier.
  • Butterfly copies from the minion with most health and attack combined.
  • Bat is changed to 1/2.
  • Hurt keyword no longer trigger when taking zero damage. They weren't really hurt, just suprised a bit!
  • Weak is changed to give 3 extra damage.
  • Parrot loses copied ability at the start of turn and regains his copy ability.