Puppy Pack

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The Puppy Pack, previously known as Expansion Pack 1 or Pack 2, is the first expansion pack for Super Auto Pets. It released on the 2nd of September, 2021.

In the Version 0.27 update on the 8th of June, 2023 the Puppy Pack received a major revamp with the introduction of many new Pets, Foods and a new friendly Toy mechanic. Many Pets received complete reworks and many of the Pets that Puppy Pack shared with Turtle Pack were removed (save for Duck, Beaver and Dragon).

Tier Pets / Food


  • 0.31: Added Hare, removed Raccoon.
  • 0.27: Reworked Puppy Pack:
    • Added the following pets: Anglerfish, Axolotl, Beluga Sturgeon, Chameleon, Chinchilla, Chipmunk, Doberman, Elephant Seal, Ferret, Flying Squirrel, Frigatebird, Gecko, Gharial, Gold Fish, Hoopoe Bird, Lemur, Lionfish, Mandrill, Mantis Shrimp, Mole, Mongoose, Mosasaurus, Moth, Pangolin, Panther, Puma, Raccoon, Robin, Shrimp, Snapping Jaw Turtle, Sting Ray, Stonefish, Tabby Cat, Tahr, Toucan, Whale Shark.
    • Added the following foods: Croissant, Lasagna, Lemon, Pancakes, Pie, Rice, Salt.
    • Removed the following pets: Ant, Bison, Blowfish, Cow, Cricket, Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Fish, Flamingo, Gorilla, Hedgehog, Leopard, Mammoth, Mosquito, Peacock, Pig, Rabbit, Rat, Rhino, Rooster, Scorpion, Seal, Sheep, Skunk, Snail, Spider, Squirrel, Swan, Tiger, Turtle, Worm.
    • Removed the following foods: Chili, Cupcake, Mushroom, Pear, Pizza, Sushi.
  • 0.22: Name has been rebranded from Expansion Pack 1 to Puppy Pack.
  • 0.14: Added the following pets: Boar, Dolphin, Tiger.
  • 0.11: Introduced.