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The Pelican is a Tier 4 Pet which can be found in Star Pack. The Pelican gives a random Strawberry friend health and attack on both end of turn and start of battle.


Pelican is a usable unit, with several strengths and several flaws. The main draw of the pet is it's end-of-turn scaling, as providing a +2/+1 stat bonus at start of battle is generally negligible. Pelican's key strength as a scaler is it's low requirements. Most scalers in Super Auto Pets either require themselves or their targets to be in a specific position, such as Giraffe or Monkey, or for the team composition to meet certain criteria, such as Dragonfly or Poodle. Pelican, however, requires neither, making it less of a headache to fit into a team. Pelican is also the earliest form of reliable end-of-turn scaling in Star Pack that isn't either self-targeted or inconsistent, giving it a usable niche.

However, Pelican's requirement becomes an increasingly harsh burden to bear as the game progresses. Generally, a high-stat unit should be given some sort of defensive food, such as a Lemon or Pepper. If your strongest unit has a Strawberry in the later turns of the game, it'll be vulnerable to other high-stat units using more defensively- oriented equipment, and the buff Pelican gives at the end of turn is not high enough to replace a Pepper or Melon.

Pelican also has the major disadvantage of being completely outclassed, in every way, by the Shoebill, a pet that's available a mere 4 turns later. Shoebill is, at minimum, just as good as a Pelican, and can potentially distribute 4 times as many stats. This makes it hard to not immediately swap your Pelican out once a Shoebill is available.

Version History


  • Changed Pelican to give +2/+2 to a random strawberry friend.


  • Changed Pelican to give +2/+1 to a random strawberry friend.
  • Pelican now triggers on End of Turn & Start of turn


  • Changed the base stats of the pelican to 2/3

