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Pepper is a Tier 5 Food, available in the Star Pack. Feeding a pet a Pepper will give it the Pepper perk. The Pepper Perk protects the pet so that its health will not go under 1. After taking damage and/or being attacked, the perk will be removed.

If the pet with Pepper perk is at 1 health, being attacked will still remove Pepper, but the damage will be reduced to 0 and the pet won't be considered "hurt".


Pepper is a defensive food perk similar to Melon. It prevents the pet from being knocked out in a single blow, and typically allows them to attack at least 2 times.

It's good to put on pets with high attack but low health like Salamander, and can act as a direct counter against lethal, high burst of damage like from the Sword Fish. For example, even a pet at 1 health with Pepper will survive 50+ damage, a feat Melon can't achieve. Pepper can also be thought of as a defensive Cheese, since the pet often gets to attack 2 times, effectively doubling its damage output.

However, simply taking any amount of damage will remove the effect, so against non-lethal damage, Pepper is as good as having no perks at all! Beware of Woodpecker and summon builds, as they can shred through Pepper as if it was paper.

A special interaction is against the Peanut. In most cases, Peanut will instantly knock out a Peppered pet. However if the pet with Pepper is at 1 health, it won't be knocked out by Peanut due to it technically not taking damage.




  • 0.18: The Pepper is added into the game as part of the Star Pack.