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The Eggplant is a Tier 5 Food, available in Custom Packs and sometimes available in the Weekly Pack . Feeding a pet an Eggplant will give it the Eggplant perk. At the start of the battle, a pet with the Eggplant perk will push the enemy that's in the position of the enemy's team as this pet is to its team, 1 space forward.

If there are no enemies in the position it's supposed to push, the Eggplant perk will target the nearest enemy to that position.


Eggplant is used for team disruption, messing up teams that can only work in a specific order like summoning teams, pets that require a friend in front, trumpet teams, and so on. Its value heavily depends on which teams you're matched against, it can either be the best food you've ever purchased, a complete waste, or worse, it can somehow fix the enemy's bad positioning.

The best spot for Eggplant is often the second position, which swaps the front-most enemy with the second one, breaking strongest-to-weakest ordering as well as common teams utilizing Poison Dart Frog, Nurse Shark Nyala, etc. Another good option would be last position Eggplant, which works specifically against backline support pets like Saiga Antelope, Secretary Bird, Grizzly Bear, German Shepherd.

Eggplants will trigger accordingly to attack order, so it's possible to chain Eggplants and shuffle enemies in the exact order of your choosing.



  • 0.31:
  • 0.24: The Eggplant is added into the game as part of the Golden Pack.