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The Avocado is a Tier 3 Food, available in the Golden Pack. Buying an Avocado will display a 'coin shower' animation over your team, signifying that you will gain 3 extra gold at the start of the next turn.


Buying Avocados is effectively transferring gold into the next turn. This nets you 0 gold, but counts as gold spent for synergies with Meerkat and Bird of Paradise, and the transferred gold works for start of turn ability like Gazelle. Hunting for Avocados is a viable strategy that rapidly increases the "gold spent" count while keeping up a crazy high amount of gold at the start of turn.

If you have 3 gold left with an Avocado in the shop and nothing else worth buying, then buying the Avocado can be the correct choice instead of spending the leftover gold on rolling. First, if you roll this turn and find something good, freezing them will clog up the shop and reduce the efficiency of the start of turn shop refresh. Secondly, having 13 gold for the next turn might just be the difference between another mediocre shop and a crazy shop that changes the course of the run. At worst, these 3 gold will be spent on rolls that still won't give you anything useful anyway. This isn't always the correct choice however, since turns that upgrade shop tier will increase the pool of pets and foods, and lower the efficiency of rolls.

In Custom pack, Avocado also synergizes well with food discounting pets such as Squirrel and Sauropod.




  • 0.24: The Avocado is added into the game as part of the Golden Pack.