Hatching Chick

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The Hatching Chick is a Tier 3 Pet, available in the Puppy Pack. The Hatching Chick's ability changes with each level but all target the nearest friend ahead.

  • At level 1, it gives the friend ahead +3/+3, but the buff only lasts until the end of battle.
  • At level 2, it gives the friend ahead +2/+2, with the buff being permanent.
  • At level 3, it gives the friend ahead +1 Experience, which also gives them a permanent +1/+1.


The Hatching Chick is a very unique pet, being the one of the lower Tier Pets to have an ability that functionally changes as it levels up as opposed to the usual linear scaling most Pets have when levelling.

At level 1 the Hatching Chick is overall very impactful in that it is gives an extra +3/+3 to a pet, which is helpful. However the Hatching Chick has power in that two thirds of those stats can be given to another pet with a more impactful ability such as Hare which will benefit from having more stats more than other pets due to that allowing it to have more chances to steak enemy Food Perks.

At level 2 and beyond it begins to have some further late game potential, providing similar levels of scaling to a Manatee.

Game Sound




  • 0.31:
    • Changed the Hatching Chick's level 1 ability from: ""End Turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +4/+4 until end of battle." to ""End Turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +3/+3 until end of battle."
    • Changed the Hatching Chick's level 3 ability from: "Start of turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +1 experience." to "End turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +1 experience."
  • 0.22:
    • Changed the Hatching Chick's base stats from 1/1 to 2/2.
    • Changed the Hatching Chick's level 1 ability from: "End Turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +5/+5 until end of battle." to ""End Turn: Give the nearest friend ahead +4/+4 until end of battle."