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Experience is a core mechanic of Super Auto Pets, it allows pets to level-up and it's the main way Pets can improve their abilities.


All pets use experience in order to level-up. When a pet is bought it starts with 0 experience. It will require 2 experience points for level 2, and then 3 for level 3, totaling to 5 experience points for a pet that is at max level.

Pets can receive experience points by combining copies of the same pet into each other, or by other methods such as feeding a pet a Chocolate or using a Sleeping Pill on a Blobfish.

Experience can also be gained in battle, using Gingerbread Man for example. Experience gained in battle is not permanent, meaning it will not stay for the following shop phases.

Level-up Rewards

When a pet levels-up, the player will be given a reward in the form of random pet in the shop that is one tier higher than the current tier. The player is given two choices but only one can be bought. This reward will not be given if two level 2 pets are combined. The two pets will appear linked at the left side of the shop.

In-depth Mechanics

Combining two pets will give the resulting pet +1 experience, if either or both pets already have experience points, those points get added onto the result. For example, combining two level 1 Fish results in one level 1 Fish with one experience, and combining two level 1 Fish with 1 experience each results in one level 2 Fish with 1 experience.

Combining two pets will also give the resulting pet +1 attack and +1 health, and another +1 attack and +1 health for every experience point that the pet with more experience gained. If a pet gains experience through other means, it will also gain +1 attack and +1 health for every experience point gained.

Combining a pet that has higher stats with a pet that has lower stats will result in the higher stats being chosen before applying the +1 attack and +1 health boost(s).

When pets that have gained temporary stats (stats that last until end of battle) are combined, the temporary stats get added on top of the result as temporary stats. If both of the combined pets have temporary stats, the highest are the ones that are added.

Pets can gain or be given experience even if they are level 3, only gaining +1 attack and +1 health for every experience point gained.

Other Experience Sources

To see the different pets that can give or gain experience, visit the following page: Experience Pets