Buy-sell Pets

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Buy-sell pets are pets that can be used together to form buy-sell teams. These can be pets who give stats when a friend is bought or sold, pets whose ability is triggered when they're bought or sold, and pets that enable a lack of a fifth pet so that it's slot can be used for buy-selling. Buy-sell teams are based around buying and selling pets to gain stats.

Gold pets work especially well with buy-sell - allowing more pets to be bought and sold each turn. These pets are not included here to avoid bloat. Pets that summon Toys when bought are removed for the same.

List of Buy-sell Pets

Gives/gains buff on Buy/Sell Triggers on Sell Triggers on Buy Buy-sell enablers
Shrimp Beaver Otter Robin
Salamander Duck Guinea Pig Owl
Dog Mouse African Penguin Llama
Starfish Pig Cow Manta Ray
Buffalo Chinchilla Zebra Goat
Lobster Chipmunk Blue Ringed Octopus Macaque
Dragon Duckling Cockatoo Catfish
Frog (Level 2)
Hercules Beetle
Emperor Tamarin