Emperor Tamarin

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The Emperor Tamarin is a Tier 3 Pet, available in Custom packs and sometimes available in the Weekly Pack. When sold, the Emperor Tamarin will give a percentage of its stats to the leftmost shop pet. Leveling up the Emperor Tamarin will increase the percentage of stats given.


Emperor Tamarin is a pivoter that gives a powerful buff to a pet in the shop, equal to a portion of its stats. Since the buff targets the leftmost shop pet, the player can freeze any pet in the shop, then reroll, to very easily target which pet receives the stats.

It is a very good way to store stats for late-game pivots. Scaling and leveling a Tamarin early essentially allows you to bank stats to pass on to a higher-tier pet that has a far more powerful combat ability later on. It can easily bring a tier 5 or 6 pet with a very powerful ability to max stats.

The downside is that Tamarin does nothing on its own, so you'll be scaling a useless pet for the most part of the game. Another problem is Tamarin needs to be leveled up in order to give a sizeable buff, often requiring level 3, so this is even more gold wasted on a pet with mediocre base stats, no self scaling nor combat abilities.

Game Sound




  • 0.27:
    • Changed the Emperor Tamarin's base stats from 2/4 to 3/3.
    • Changed the Emperor Tamarin's ability from "Sell: Give 50%/100%/150% of attack and health to the leftmost shop pet." to "Sell: Give 33%/66%/100% of attack and health to the leftmost shop pet."
  • 0.18: